Idre Fjäll invites to the Ericsson Winter Championships 31/1 – 3/2 2019

Welcome to sign up for the enjoyable “Ericssonmästerskapen i skidor 2019” 31/1 – 3/2!
The event is targeting everyone who wants to enjoy three days in the swedish mountains with colleagues from Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway and Germany during winter and do sking at some kind of level. No need for any special skills 🙂

All info is available in the Official invitation: Official Ericsson Invitation

The cost includes everything except daily food:
1200:- per person including travel, living and Saturday night party for those not needing any alpine ski card.
1800:- per person  for those needing also an alpine ski card(3 days).

  1. Drop a mail with your interrest  as soon as possible to participate to This will make preliminary plans regarding e.g. buses easier!
  2. Drop a mail with your *firm* signing to the latest Thursday 10th January 2019

Please include wanted participation (sports and class) and additional info, e.g. “I want to live with my friends X, Y and Z…. in an apartment”.