Eacif offers free Monday lunch classes at Ericsson gym.
Eacif and Korpen Collegium offer daytime yoga and workout classes at Ericsson gym.
Due to the Corona pandemic, all classes are cancelled until further notice.
Free classes:
Cross Style Workouts | Mondays 11:30-12:15 |
Korpen classes @Ericsson Try out for free wk 2-3 | Members sign up as described below, others call 013-342 00 70 to sign up to a class. |
The members of the “EACIF Workout Team” take turns in planning and instructing the Monday classes.
Korpen classes:
Les Mills Bodypump Yoga HIIT | Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays Annual, 6 months or 10 class cards Combine with Korpen classes at Collegium |
Members book here (online booking in right column).
Username: <your e-mail>
password: <Six first digits your personal identity number (personnummer)>
Buy your membership via Ericsson for me through your ”health account”. Ericsson covers 65% of the cost (Ericsson pays up to SEK 5000 in total/year).
Read more here.