Mjärdevistafetten 2017

Here’s an invitation to Mjärdevistafetten: http://mjardevi.se/sv/press-media/tavlingar/1690-stafetten

EACIF members do not need to pay for the registration!

Please do as follows before 5/9:

  • Join a group of four and choose which class to participate in.
  • Decide uponClass : [Women, Men, Mixed]
    Teamname :
    Team member # 1 :
    Team member # 2 :
    Team member # 3 :
    Team member # 4 :
  • Add contact info to the team coach
    Team choach :
    E-mail address:
  • Inform Henrik  (henrik.xx.lindkvist@ericsson.com) with the information
  • Henrik will handle the registration to Mjärdevi Science Park and make sure that your team is signed up!
  • When the relay is coming up, please organize collection of start numbers etc yourselves!

Enjoy the happening!



Blodomloppet 2016

Don’t miss the big Happening in Linköping the 26th May!

Collect and submit your team of five using http://blodomloppet.se/vara-lopp/linkoping/ before 5th May.

Mix a team with colleagues doing the 5 km jogging, walking or 10 km running.

If you don’t have any team you’re free to contact me *before* signing on the web and I will divide you into teams. And you will get some picnic time with your colleagues 🙂

You need to pay your fee by yourselves, since EACIF is not able to sponsor.

However, EAC IF will have a tent at Blodomloppet this year for enjoying your picnic or leaving bags. The tent will have someone from EACIF checking your stuff during all evening.



Mjärdevistafetten 2015

Here’s an invitation to Mjärdevistafetten: http://www.mjardevi.se/sv/press-media/tavlingar/1361-mjardevistafetten

EACIF members do not need to pay for the registration!

Please do as follows:

  • Join a group of four and choose which class to participate in.
  • Check out, but do not register, the needed info to privide in the web registration of Mjärdevi Science Park:
  • Inform Henrik  (henrik.xx.lindkvist@ericsson.com) about the team members and other info needed according to the site.
  • Henrik will make sure that your team is registered.
  • When the relay is coming up, please organize collection of start numbers etc yourselves!

Good luck with your summer training!



Ericsson championships 2015, Winter sports

Welcome to sign up for the marvelously fun “Ericssonmästerskapen i skidor 2015” 29/1 – 1/2!

All info is available in the Swedish invitation: INBJ_EriMskidor2015.

The cost is including everything except daily food!

1700:- per person including travel, living, ski card(3 days) and Saturday night party.

Or 1100:- per person for those not needing any ski card.

Drop a mail with your sign up information no later than 13/12 to henrik.xx.lindkvist@ericsson.com.

Include wanted participation (sports and class) and add additional info, e.g. “I want to live with my friends …. in a 4 bed appartment”.
